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Article writing tutorial | How to write an article

 Article writing tutorial

How to write Unique Article
Article Writing Tutorial

Blogger must have unique articles in order to get approval from AdSense. If your articles are not unique, then AdSense will not approve your blog. If AdSense does not approve, then there will be no earning. Shortcuts are used to find articles made from shortcuts and post them. What is a shortcut path and is it useful or not? We will learn this today.

Get Article From Article Generator Websites

Some people can't write articles, so they generate articles using different websites that are not plagiarism free. Those websites combine different articles to create an article that is almost plagiarized and people do it without checking. Post and when there are more articles like this, they apply for AdSense and in the end the blog is rejected by AdSense because of the copyrighted content.

YouTube transcript

Some people search for videos on YouTube with their titles and copy the text of the video spoken in the transcript and post it on their blog and they think that this article was not uploaded by anyone else. Has obtained from a YouTube video but if you check its plugin it will be full copyrighted content because the video from which you got the transcript will also have a blog and this thing he has already posted on the blog Yes, if you post too, there will be a copyright issue

What should we do

Now when it comes to what we should do, how to write an article and how to write it and where to write it, we will now learn how to find a unique article.

How To Find Unique Article

If you generate articles from any website you will not find unique articles, it will have plagiarism and copyrighted content. Unique articles you have to write yourself. Your own written article is unique because you write it yourself. Now you may be wondering how we can write an article. How can we write an article? Click on the link below. There I have written the whole article on it. How to write an article. And all your questions about article ratings will be answered

How To Write An Article

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