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 Top 4 Earning Apps

Earn Money Online

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Friends Online Field is a best field  where  you can earn millions of rupees not thousands sitting at home. In this modern age people are earning Millions of rupees a month sitting at home. Today I will tell you four such apps through which you can earn. These are the four apps we use the most but we don't know how to make money from these apps You don't have to do much work or invest money, you just have to work hard to make money.

1- YouTube

We use YouTube often but we have to change the way we use it. We have to watch the video and upload our own video which will earn you money. YouTube is a huge platform from which people are earning millions of rupees. You create a channel and upload videos and monetize the channel. As soon as the channel is monetized, ads will appear on your video and YouTube will pay you for these ads. YouTube will keep 45% and give you 55%


Everyone uses Facebook but not everyone is making money from Facebook because they don't know how to make money from Facebook. Making money from Facebook is easier than YouTube. There are many ways where you can make money. Can earn millions of rupees

1-Page Monitization

Page monetization is not yet in Pakistan but it will be done soon and it is available in other countries. You have to create a Facebook page and bring traffic there. You have to increase followers and upload videos. When Your page will be monetized. Videos will have ad shows that will earn you money

2-Product sales

If you run a business, you have to create a business related page on Facebook and sell your products there. You have to post whatever products you have. People have to come to your page to tell about this product. One will sell your product and the other will make your business famous and you can earn millions of rupees a month. In this modern age people prefer to shop online. People do not have a time to go to the market. People shop online

3-provide Services

If you sell a social service such as
YouTube Views
YouTube subscriber
YouTube Watch Time
Facebook Watch Time
Facebook Like
Facebook followers
Instagram followers etc.
So you can easily make money by selling on Facebook

4-You Have Skills

If you have a skill  you can easily make money through Facebook
If you know how to write articles  you will write articles for people for which they will pay you 
Or you
When it comes to video editing or if you know any other skill, you can make money from Facebook through these skills.

  • Video Editing
  • Photo editing
  • Photography
  • Article Writin
  • Social media marketing
  • Expert in any language
  • Expert in MS Office
  • Freelancing
  • Graphic design
  • ETC


You must be using Instagram. We use Instagram only for time pass but people are also making money from Instagram.
Now you guys are wondering how to make money from instagram? so let me tell you how
If you have an Instagram account and if you don't, create one. When the account is created, you have to post well on it and increase the followers because as you are, the more followers you have, the more you will benefit. You may be wondering how we can benefit from followers
The advantage is that if you have more followers, you will get sponsorship. People will contact you to post our own. We will pay you or we will pay for the story. All the sponsorship is available and people are making a lot of money from it

4- WhatsApp

Now you may be thinking that you can also make money from WhatsApp
yes  you can earn money on whatsApp
Click on the link on how to make money from whatsapp. I have explained in detail how to make money from whatsapp.

How To Earn Money On Whatsapp
How To Earn Money On Whatsapp


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