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How To Become A Writer | Article Writing Tips

 How To Become A Writer

Article Writing Tips

Article Writing Tips

What is the first step in becoming a writer? You would think that this would be "writing", but it is not. Talking to other writers and from what I know about my own journey to become a writer, I realized that the biggest hurdle for new writers is that they don't consider themselves writers. Are They have trouble believing that they are authors and yet you have to do it. When you don't develop that belief, that belief, it becomes a means of sabotage - you don't value your work enough to give it the time and space it needs. How would you think of yourself as a writer, especially when you are not checking salary as a writer? Here are some tips:

When You Write?

If you want to be a writer, I'm assuming you think you have something to say and a strong desire to say it. You don't know how to say it or in what form (poetry, novel, essay, etc.) but you know there is something. Well, you pick up your pencil or pen or you sit at your computer or typewriter. Write something. Whatever you write, just make sure you have your heart in it. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be clean. It needs expression.

Next, as painful as it may be, you need to show it to someone. It can be a friend, it can be a family member. Then, notice what happens. Does the person reading your work cry, laugh or get angry? If so, you did it! This means you can make an impact with your writing. It's worth something. You have to keep going!

A teenager recently wrote to me with concern because she is writing fiction and she fears that her mother will read it and get upset because she thinks it is something that the teenage girl really did. On the one hand, explaining yourself to your mother is a daunting task, but on the other hand, wow, it means that the young woman's work is reliable and efficient. It's hard to ignore that kind of opinion. This is a powerful incentive for you to keep going - if you feel like it is happening over time. An author once said to me, "I don't know if my stuff is good or not. All I know is that people cry when they read it." Can't get more than this kind of response. Now all he has to do is listen to her.

Promote silence

If you are having trouble thinking about what to say, it may help you to spend some time each day in silence. Some writers pray. Consider something. The idea is to clear your brain and adjust to your inner voice. You will also be aware of the small things that are circulating in your head of possibilities that can later turn into big ideas


It's okay if you don't know who you want to write about. It can take a long time for you to figure out what is coming up for you. And it may take longer to find the form that best fits you. Before I decided on fiction, I went from poetry to essays to writing long-term letters. It took me years to do that. That doesn't mean I won't do anything else in these genres, but what I'm doing right now fits perfectly. I encourage you to experiment until you get the most out of your shape.

Constantly remind yourself that you are the author

As you develop your belief that you are a writer, it helps to create reminders that will take you back to the mental space in which you need to write. It's easy to get distracted when you sit down to write and start thinking about laundry or dinner. You want to put something on your desk or on the wall in front of you that reminds you to come back to work and that you are a writer.

It can be a list of your values ​​that remind you that writing is a part of who you are. These can be simple words like crate or inspire. Beautiful, historical novelist Isabel Alindi will sit in her office with old photos of people around her, representing their characters so she is surrounded by them. He pushed her back into the space of his book's mind because he was sitting in their world. These people are around him.

What world do you need to live in? Many of the authors you travel to get there will take you as a writer. I hope these ideas will help you take that first step. Everything you write - and you leave - is entirely up to you. Have a nice trip.

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